The kākāpō (night parrot) is one of New Zealand’s unique ‘treasures’ and with only 125 known surviving birds. It is listed internationally as a critically endangered species.
Large, flightless and nocturnal, the kākāpō is an eccentric parrot which can live for decades. It is not closely related to other parrots and, in fact, has a combination of biological features not shared by any other species. It is the only representative of a unique sub-family, Strigops habroptila, and the softness of its plumage is represented in the second part of that scientific name. With mottled moss-green feathers, camouflage is the bird’s main form of defence.
New Zealand Aluminium Smelter (NZAS) has sponsored the kākāpō recovery programme since 1990. Scientific research and operational support have provided a stronger foundation for the recovery of kākāpō, one of the the world's rarest parrots.