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American Singer Canary

American Singer Canary

Traits:  The American singer canary (also known as the yellow variegated canary) is a popular song canary that is a cross between a Border canary (one-third) and a German roller canary (two-thirds). The resulting American singer canary possesses the best traits of both: the musical song of the roller and the sweet looks of the border. The combination makes this canary one of the most popular canaries in the United States.

The American singer canary is a favorite among bird owners because of its pleasant, outgoing personality and its beautiful singing. It was originally bred to be both musical and attractive, and it is prized for its song, which is louder, freer and more varied than that of roller canary but softer than the border canary’s more choppy song. They are good-natured, social birds that are also active, lively and hardy.

Behavior/Health Concerns:  The American singer canary does well in either cages or aviaries. They are on the timid side and should not be housed together with parakeets, lovebirds or other hookbills that tend to be more aggressive. Additionally, males can be territorial and should be kept separately. They like to bathe daily and should be given water to do so. Their environment should not be wet, cool or drafty, and if they are given space to sunbathe, they should also have a shaded area to protect from too much sun. Keep perches clean to avoid any foot problems.