Home » » Hippo to help: Amazing moment hippopotamus tries to rescue drowning wildebeest :

Hippo to help: Amazing moment hippopotamus tries to rescue drowning wildebeest :

Stuck on a rock in a crocodile infested
river, this Wildebeest must have feared
for its life. And, separated from the
rest of the herd with a group of hippos
closing in, the prospects for the
animal did not seem appealing. But in
an amazing act of animal compassion
one of the passing hippos paddles
over and gives the wildebeest a quick
leg-up to set it on its way.
The bull hippo takes pity on the
struggling creature and fixes it
enormous jaws around it and lifts it
away from the rock. The wildebeest
was then released from the rock and
tried to join the rest of its herd which
had been crossing the Masai River
during an annual crossing in Masai
Mara, Kenya.